Monday, February 27, 2012

Yesterday was Sunday and when I woke up from some crazy ass dreams I knew that if we did not get out of our house and go hiking, I may end up kicking a kitten.

Now, we don't have any kittens but we do have four robust cats and they would suffice.
We ate breakfast, which for me included a nice bowl of rice kripies cereal & for Matt that included two double chocolate muffins. He's got the food desire of a fat child with a wide twitching eye for two big macs and 4 Capri Suns but at least he limited himself to two muffins.

After breakfast we loaded up some water and our sweet Azi and we were off.

Recently, I have been trying to take Matt's advice and enjoy where we are in the present and not focus so much on wanting to be somewhere else. That somewhere else is back in Colorado. We both fell in love with that state so much to a point that I could never even try to describe it...therefore I tend to compare every hike after that to our Colorado hikes. Yes, Georgia has its appeal to some I am sure but when you've seen something that is so you- that is so where you fell like you have belonged your whole life it's hard to NOT think about it. I agree with Matt when he says we can always focus on trying to get out there someday...there's nothing wrong with goals but we should make the most of the present. And the present is here in Georgia.

Sometimes I try to picture us out there... I can see it. But it would be very hard leaving my parents again. I can picture us with two creative children, hippie children of course. What else would they be? Us living in a small home surrounded by greenery and mountain air in a small town. Growing our own food and herbs for the most part. Making and selling our lamps. Making life long friends with similar lifestyles and interests. Going mountain hiking. Matt, mountain biking. And playing outside with our children and our friends until the sun went down over the mountains. Then going to our local bar & grille where we are known to be at least a few times a week getting our regular drinks with our regular friends. Me working as a therapist in my own clinic where we also do yoga and holistic healing. I can picture it all. All of it except missing my parents.

That's what I dream about. That's what we both dream about. A simple laid back lifestyle in a laid back beautiful small town.

But for now...Georgia it is so let's go back to yesterday before I start posting Colorado pictures and crying like a freakin' baby!

We got to the pigeon creek trail- right across from the Llama farm at about 4. :) I believe pigeon creek is also known as Little Kennesaw Mountain. Which is interesting to me because "Little Kennesaw Mountain" was much more of a work out than Kennesaw Mountain could think about being. We hiked to the top of Pigeon creek and then continued on up to the top of Kennesaw mountain. Azi was adorable with all the dogs we passed. She always thinks everyone is her friend. Which for the most part is a good trait to have. Whenever we are hiking no matter the location (for the most part) it clears my mind. Of course I still think a million thoughts per minute but my body and my soul feel renewed in the woods. Everything makes sense for that time period and my mind is in a good place.

When we are hiking I often catch myself watching Matt's feet. He has the clumsiest hiking feet. He slips a lot on rocks and trips often and he usually takes a harder road than necessary. But it always, always makes me smile. Part of the reason why I love hiking so much is because I can see how happy he is when he is out in the woods. He is beaming and grinning from ear to ear. I think he feels free. He runs with Azi some and takes in everything. We talk about the most random things or sometimes we don't even have to talk at all. But it's one of those times where I feel closest to him and his heart.

So maybe Colorado is where we want to be but it does not matter where we are as long as we have each other. He is my greatest treasure. My greatest friend and the love of my life. I can't wait to watch his clumsy feet in the woods for the rest of my life. And when we get too old and when he gets even more clumsy, I can't wait to hold his hand and walk on the trails arm in arm talking about the wonderful life we've created together and the amazing memories we've shared.

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