Monday, February 20, 2012

One good thing about music, when it hits you, you feel no pain. 

-Bob Marley

Sometimes I am honestly shocked by how good my taste in music is. It's ridiculous really.  It's also ridiculous how mad I get at other's horrible taste in music. I hate to sound so music cocky but I am an official music snob and I think I have every right to be one. One might say "well people just have different taste in music... that doesn't mean their's is any worse than yours" 

no, that's exactly what it means and I will tell you why.

When you listen to "bands" like **shudders** Nickelback, you are listening to horrible lyrics with a douche bag lead singer (that probably plays no instrument mind you)... w/ a some what catchy chorus that makes it appealing to radio and makes it repeat over and over in your head. You are listening to a band that has most likely completely sold out and are now making music for the money not for the soul. You are not going to hear good music on the radio. (unless you live somewhere with a really good college radio station)  That's because everyone has gotten used to this super watered down cock rock bullshit or equally dulled pop music. It's pathetic. 

When you hear good music. Music that makes you "feel no pain". You know it. It's that moment when you are standing in a tiny venue RIGHT by the stage listening to your favorite band play their heart it everything they've got... and your whole body feels this intense moment of peace. This feeling that everything is right. Right at that moment. It's that moment where you want to burst into tears with happiness or maybe you just stare in amazement and bask in the the feeling that's going on in your soul. You can feel it deep down. You know that you will never forget that moment. 

That's when you know you've heard good music. 

And if you've honestly gotten that feeling from a band like Nickleback- first off I don't believe you.
secondly- just listen to some bands that aren't on the radio. just give it a try. bands like heartless bastards, john butler trio, cold war kids, ryan bingham, jim james, tv on the radio, string cheese incident, umphreys mcgee, tea leaf green, black joe lewis and the honeybears....hell give me a genre and i'll give you some bands. 

If that will never ever fully understand me or music, sadly. 

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