Thursday, February 23, 2012

A story you may not know about me.

I understand this is long but it's a story I finally feel like sharing. 

I have Pure-O OCD. Purely Obsessional. I am 25 years old & I have had OCD since I was 6 years old. Wasn't diagnosed until I was 18. I have tried more medications & therapists than I can count. For the past 5 years I have been seeing psychiatrist, Dr. Michael Lyles in Atlanta, GA. (who is absolutely phenomenal & well known I might add) I grew up southern baptist. My parents were rather involved with the church- therefore I was as well.

When I was 6 or 7 my grandmother told me stories of how she used to get demons out of people. She went into great detail of what the demons looked like, what they sounded like, what the people who were possessed with them looked like...etc. I was instantly tramatized. I still believe this is what triggered my OCD initially. I do not believe my grandmother CAUSED my OCD but I do know that she triggered it in some way that day.

Being so young and impressionable I didn't know what to do. I believed everything she said. I took it to heart. I didn't want to go near windows because I was afraid demons would be out at night. I did not want to sleep because I was afraid I would become possessed myself. I was constantly full of worry, full of pain. 

Growing up in a southern baptist church you hear A LOT about heaven and hell and you hear a lot about satan and how he can get you down or mess with your "walk with God". I was such a sensitive child and I took it all in.

I began to also obsess about people breaking into our home, people killing me or my family, our house catching on fire, etc. I also started worrying about odd sexual thoughts or people sexually harrassing me. My head was filled with so much anxiety. I didn't tell my parents a lot of what I thought because I was embarassed and because I thought that maybe this was normal? Maybe every child thought these things?

I finally started telling my parents some of my fears and they (being very involved with the church)...thought I was going through some sort of "spiritual warfare" and that the devil was messing with me and our family. I know it sounds crazy especially if you were not raised southern baptist but this was normal for us. I sure as hell didn't know any better and honestly, neither did they at the time. They thought they were doing the right thing. They had NO idea that what I had was ocd. They would take me to my grandparents house and they would pray with me. (which only made me feel more anxious because all I associate God with is the devil by now)

I had a really tough time on and off growing up dealing with ocd and finally at age 18 I noticed I began cleaning A LOT and that I was very fear ful of hurting others and hurting myself. I would have all nightmares and wake up balling crying. I had friends hide all the knives at my college apt. I was scared for my life and for the people in my life. At this point I KNEW this wasn't normal. My friends didn't act like friends didn't have this fear controlling their lives...they were able to do daily things and I wasn't. 

I went into a deep depression and my parents sent me to a Christian Therapist. I spoke with a woman and for once I finally shared everything I was thinking and feeling. Got it all off my chest. She called me a few days later and said that she really thought I had OCD and that I needed to seek a therapist specifically for OCD. Me and my parents were stunned. Never in a million years did I think I could have OCD.. I thought "I don't wash my hands!" (because ofcourse that's all they show on the damn TV about OCD) The more I read the more I realized that this was my disease. This was it. I felt relieved and terribly upset at the same time.

How did my parents not know? How could my grandma have told me those things when I was so young?

This are still questions that I wonder today but I have fully forgiven my parents (and my grandmother) because they do EVERYTHING in their power to help me with my OCD struggle now and they were devastated that they never knew about it earlier in my life. My mom carries so much guilt and it makes me sad for her. I'll be honest, I still feel somewhat bitter towards my grandmother for sharing those awful stories with me but I still love her more than anything in this world. She means everything to me. 

Since the age of 18,  I no longer go to church. I do not associate myself with church. I associate church with the devil and my ocd and panic attacks stem from worrying about being possessed still today... I believe there is a God but I don't feel comfortable talking about it because of how I was raised or rather the church I was raised in. I don't believe in most all of the Baptist beliefs and when I have children myself they will not be raised that way.

I am on Anafranil and Rispirdal for OCD/Depression/Panic disorder. From OCD and meds I have tried I have had severe suicidal thoughts, my ocd has been off the charts, I have had times where I could not work because the ocd and anxiety was so disabling, I had hallucinations of shadows and a feeling like someone was behind me, headaches, diarrhea, throwing up...It's seriously been so much on me. I still struggle with OCD & depression. I still have my really bad days but I am better. 

I go to a OCD chatroom about every other night or so and talk with my OCD friends, they really mean a lot to me. It's called 

My family, very close friends & ofcourse my best friend, loving and utmost patient husband, matt know of my OCD. I've always felt embarrassed to tell people I have OCD for fear of what they would say behind my back and honestly I don't think it's necessarily everyone's business. But I just don't care anymore and I think it may clear up some things about me. It's me or rather it's a part of me and if you don't like it well you just don't belong in my life. There are other pure O people out there...a lot of them just don't share their story and I really felt I should share mine if it could help one person feel like they could relate.


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